BombSquad Community Site

Biggest community of active bombsquaders

This is a current most active community of bombsquad modders and players who actively contributing to bombsquad game and create mods for the game.
Under shadow of BombSquad owner Eric Fromeling we do contribute in ballistica , share our plugins with other folks. Find/ask anything you need for bombsquad/ballistica.
Are you a bombsquader ? join and contribute , waiting for you with 3000 others. Bombsquad Community Discord Server. Join with us and explore the possibility of this opensource game. Community not restricted to any country/region/language, people around the world are equally treated and invited here.
Find mods/plugins in Mods Channel. Checkout Community Plugin Manager to ease your life in downloading and sharing plugins. Together people here worked on many mods, ModPack,Server Scripts and helped other newbies to get started with bombsquad modding. Sharing our knowledge from different domains together we learned many things and gave birth to many pro modders.
Our values : Sharing is caring. Like us ? then Support us


BombSquad, an explosive arcade-style party game best enjoyed with several friends and a large couch.

Jump, punch, throw, and bomb your way to victory as you compete in a plethora of mini-games including Capture-the-Flag, King-of-the-Hill, Bomber-Hockey, and of course Epic-Slow-Motion-Elimination.

Up to 8 local players can get in on the action through BombSquad’s support of keyboards, PC gamepads, Wiimotes, PS3 controllers, and XBox 360 controllers. You can even use iOS and Android devices as wireless gamepads via BombSquad Remote, available for free on the iOS App Store, Google Play, and the Amazon Appstore.

Harness your mastery of physics to barrage your opponents from afar with precision-thrown bombs, or simply charge in and toss your enemies off the nearest cliff; all’s fair in love and BombSquad.
Bombs away!
