BombSquad Plugin Manager
Plugin-manager A plugin manager for the game - Bombsquad . Plugin manager is a plugin in itself, which makes further modding of your game more convenient by providing easier access to community created content.
- Completely open-source - both the plugin-manager and all the plugins in this repository.
- Works on all platforms.
- Only deal with plugins and updates targetting your game's current API version.
- Search for plugins.
- Add 3rd party plugin sources (use them at your own risk, since they may not be audited!).
- Enable or disable auto-updates for plugin manager and plugins.
- Immediately enable installed plugins/minigames without having to restart game.
- Launch a plugin's settings directly from the plugin manager window.
- Check out a plugin's source code before installing it.
- Sync installed plugins with workspaces.
- Sort plugins by popularity, downloads, rating or some other metric.
Direct download for all platformsView it on github
There are two different ways the plugin manager can be installed:1. Download to your mods directory (check it out by going into your game's Settings -> Advanced -> Show Mods Folder). This is the recommended way (see below).
2. Another way is to add to your workspace. However, plugin manager self-updates will fail when installed using this way since the game will overrwrite the updated plugin manager, with the older version from workspace on the next sync. However, you can manually apply updates by copying the latest plugin manager's source code again to your workspace when using this method.
If installed correctly, you'll see the plugin manager button in your game's settings.That's it, you now have access to a variety of community created content waiting for you to install!